Cooperative Agreements
Heartland Community College has cooperative agreements with 36 other Illinois community colleges that allow Heartland district residents to enroll in Career and Technical Education certificates and degrees that are not available at HCC.
Cooperative Agreements
A cooperative agreement is an inter-institutional arrangement that enables a resident of District 540 to enroll in a specific program at another community college at a special tuition rate.
* Not all programs qualify for a cooperative agreement.
The following community colleges each have an agreement for HCC district residents that encompasses all career and technical education certificate and degrees not offered by Heartland Community College.
Students wishing to take advantage of these cooperative agreements must complete the Cooperative Agreement Application (PDF) at least 30 days prior to tuition due date for the term they will begin their studies.
- Black Hawk College
Carl Sandburg College
College of DuPage
College of Lake County
Danville Community College
Elgin Community College
Highland Community College
Illinois Central College
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
Illinois Valley Community College
John A. Logan College
John Wood Community College
Joliet Junior College
Kankakee Community College
Kaskaskia College
Kishwaukee College
Lake Land College
Lewis and Clark Community College
Lincoln Land Community College
McHenry County College
Moraine Valley Community College
Morton College
Oakton Community College
Parkland College
Prairie State College
Rend Lake College
Richland Community College
Rock Valley College
Sauk Valley Community College
Shawnee Community College
South Suburban College
Southeastern Community College
Southwestern Illinois College
Spoon River College
Waubonsee Community College
William Rainey Harper College
Want To Learn More?
Contact: Jennie Kearney, Associate Director of Admissions
Phone: 309-268-8401