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Heartland Community College

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the principal Illinois law governing the inspection of public records. It is a pro-disclosure statute originally enacted on July 1, 1984. The FOIA provides the public the right to access documents and records of a public body. Requests for a copy of records on a specific subject may be made and the public body must provide those records unless there is an exemption in the statute that restricts those records from disclosure.

About Heartland Community College

The youngest community college in Illinois, Heartland Community College (HCC) was founded in 1990. It is a public, two-year, open-admissions College. Read about Heartland's Vision, Mission & Values.

Filing a Freedom of Information Request

Requests under the Freedom of Information Act should be sent to the Freedom of Information Officer and describe as specifically as possible the records being requested using the FOI Request Form below.

Direct FOI requests via email to, or mail the FOI request to:

Freedom of Information Officer, Heartland Community College
Executive Office - CCB 2000
1500 West Raab Road
Normal, IL 61761.

Any responsive documents may be viewed at a pre-arranged time on campus without charge, or a copy may be obtained. If the documents are to be sent by United States mail, there will be a charge for reimbursement of postage costs. A request for pre-payment may be made before printed copies of records are provided in response to a request. The first 50 pages of black and white, letter- or legal-sized copies required to complete an FOIA request are free. The following additional fees will be charged and must be paid prior to the processing of a request:

  • Page 51 and up will be charged 15 cents per page.
  • CDs, disks or specialized drives for copying electronic files will be charged at cost.
  • Documents that require specialized copying equipment, such as construction drawings, will be charged at cost.

The Freedom of Information Officer will notify the requestor within five (5) working days, or within any extended deadline, of the status of his or her request. The notification will be in the form of a letter or e-mail and will explain the reasons for any denial.

Freedom of Information Resources