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Heartland Community College

What We Do

The Career Center is excited to be a part of your journey! Our mission is to celebrate your skills, equip you with career readiness tools, and connect you to employers and opportunities that align with your life’s vision. The time is now. Invest in yourself, believe in your future.

Let's Connect! Choose a topic below:

  • Job and Internship Search
  • Resume/Cover Letter Review
  • Career Exploration
  • Interview Preparation
  • Job Shadow Experiences
  • Personal Branding Tools
  • Networking Strategies
  • Career Goal Planning

Schedule an Appointment

Current Students Alumni & Community Members

Contact Us: 


Phone: 309-268-8034

Located: Workforce Development Center | Suite 2200 | Across from the Career Closet

Meet the Team

Tiara Randle

For over a decade, Tiara has served students at Heartland Community College through various roles and points of support in their academic pursuits and career aspirations. She counts it a great privilege to empower, affirm, and equip students with skills necessary to live a life they find joy in. Tiara believes in the resiliency of people, captured perfectly in Dr. Maya Angelou’s poem, “Still I Rise.” As a lifelong learner, she knows the journey never ends… just new chapters begin.

Career Gem: Your journey is yours. Take time to honor each step & lesson. Allow grace for new versions of yourself to emerge.


Jennifer Caldwell

Jennifer has been a treasured resource at HCC for over 20 years! She's served in many roles at HCC, impacting the unique and diverse body of students in a positive way. With a deep passion for helping students grow into the best version of themselves, she is an outstanding addition to the Career Center. She is an advocate and leader that provides building blocks towards the educational goals and career aspirations of everyone she encounters.

Career Gem: Motivation and inspiration are the perfect combination for your success!!! Finding your passion will do both!!!


Handshake Job Listings