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Heartland Community College

Student Access and Accommodation Services

Sign language interpreter

We accommodate your needs and help remove barriers to learning and testing.

Requesting Accommodations

Academic Year Accommodations

  1. Apply to Heartland.
  2. Submit a Request for Accommodations
  3. Provide information to help us understand your needs.
  4. SAAS will contact you to schedule your intake appointment.
  5. Attend the Intake appointment.

Apply as early as possible!

View our Student Access and Accommodation Services brochure (PDF) for additional information.

Temporary Medical Accommodations

 Student Access and Accommodation Service’s role in this particular situation is to act as a liaison between the student and faculty to encourage continued communication and ensure academic requirements are addressed. Students are expected to work with individual instructors regarding specific requests, and communicate the anticipated duration of the absence.
  1. Complete Temporary Medical Accommodation Form.
  2. When available, submit documentation to
  3. SAAS staff will review all submitted materials and provide your status to instructors.
    • Without documents, SAAS will inform instructors of an undocumented request.
  4. SAAS will contact you to with additional questions or to discuss your needs.
  5. You are expected to communicate specific needs with individual instructors.

Contact Us

Student Access and Accommodation Services

SCB, Room 1415
Phone: 309-268-8259
Fax: 309-268-7877

Kori Folkerts

Assistant Director,
Student Access and Accommodation Services
Phone: 309-268-8251