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Heartland Community College

Temporary Medical Accommodations

Student Access and Accommodation Services (SAAS) provides confidential assistance when students experience a temporary medical condition that affects a students ability to access classes or perform tasks within the classroom. Students may be eligible for temporary assistance/classroom support deemed reasonable for a limited period, with appropriate documentation supporting their need for accommodaitons. Temporary medication circumstances include, but are not limited to: surgical recovery, pregnancy or new parenting, extended hospitalization, persistent injury, or severe illness.

Student Access and Accommodation Service’s role in this situation is to act as a liaison between the student and faculty to encourage continued communication and ensure academic requirements are addressed. Students are expected to work with individual instructors regarding specific requests, and communicate the anticipated duration of the absence.

Students who are in need of such support should submit a Temporary Medical Accommodation Request form and provide supporting documentation in the form of a note from a Medical and/or Mental Health Professional or a Medical and/or Mental Health Professional to fill out the SAAS Temporary Medical Accommodaiton Verification Form

Contact Us

Student Access and Accommodation Services

SCB, Room 1415
Phone: 309-268-8259
Fax: 309-268-7877

Kori Folkerts

Assistant Director,
Student Access and Accommodation Services
Phone: 309-268-8251