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Heartland Community College

COVID-19 Emergency Fund

COVID-19 Emergency Funds are exhausted, and applications are closed.  

The COVID-19 public health crisis has disrupted the lives of millions of people, including our students. Heartland Community College has a Student Emergency Fund to support students faced with unexpected, financial hardship. This is a challenging time for everyone, and we want to continue to support our students in achieving their educational aspirations and academic goals. 

For questions, please contact

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) Authorized By The American Rescue Plan, 2021 (ARP)

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) is authorized by the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Public Law 117-2, signed into law on March 11, 2021, providing $39.6 billion in support to institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic.

ARP funds are in addition to funds authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Public Law 116-260 and the Coronavirus Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Public Law 116-136. Emergency funds available to institutions and their students under all emergency funds total $76.2 billion.

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III) authorized by the American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARP), was signed into law on March 11, 2021. Heartland Community College is scheduled to receive a total allocation under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III) in the amount of $8,299,218 of which a minimum of $4,182,954 will be distributed to eligible students for specific expenses related to the cost of attendance or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care.

  1. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) has awarded Heartland Community College $4,116,264 for Institutional Costs (Award P425F202289-20B) and $4,182,954 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students (Award P425E202207-20B) under the CARES Act.
  2. The College acknowledged the above mentioned awards by replying on May 14, 2021 to the Department of Education representatives (Institutional Portion – and Student Emergency Financial Aid Grants –
  3. The total amounts of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students can be found in the table labeled Student Emergency Financial Aid ARP Awards. The table will include historical and quarterly information.
  4. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students can be found in the table labeled Student Emergency Financial Aid ARP Awards. The table will include historical and quarterly information.
  5. The total number of students at the College eligible to participate in the Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students can be found in the table labeled Student Emergency Financial Aid ARP Awards. The table will include historical and quarterly information.
  6. The method used by the College to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive can be found below.
  7. Instructions, directions, and guidance provided by the College to students can be found below.
  8. The Institutional relief received by the College can be found in the table labeled Institutional Relief ARP. The table will contain amounts and the descriptions by date and will include historical information.  The quarterly reports can be found linked at the bottom of the table.  The procedures for the Institutional Relief (PDF) can be found here

Students who are or were enrolled in an institution of higher education during the COVID-19 national emergency are eligible for emergency financial aid grants from HEERF III, regardless of whether they completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or are eligible for Title IV. Institutions are directed with the ARP funds to prioritize students with exceptional need, such as students who receive Pell Grants or are undergraduates with extraordinary financial circumstances. Exceptional need could include students who have faced significant unexpected expenses, such as the loss of employment (either for themselves or their families), reduced income, or food or housing insecurity. The College will utilize all available resources to identify eligible students including, but not limited to, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the College student information system, and other data sources

Heartland Community College Student Emergency Funding From The American Rescue Act, 2021 (ARP) Award P425E202207-20B

Award levels (tiers) will be determined based on the following tiers:

Tier 1 (auto awarded) Fall 2021

  • Currently active Pell eligible students who registered for 6 or more credits during the 2020-2021 academic year, i.e. spring 2020, fall 2020, spring 2021 and summer 2021 who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $2000.00.
  • Currently active non-Pell eligible students with a FAFSA determined EFC of 10,000 or less, who registered for 6 or more credits during the 2020-2021 academic year, i.e. spring 2020, fall 2020, spring 2021 and summer 2021 who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $1000.00. Tier 1 students will be disbursed by August 13, 2021.

Tier 1B (auto awarded) spring 2022

  • Currently active Pell eligible students who registered for 6 or more credits during the 2021-2022 academic year, i.e. spring 2022, fall 2021 and summer 2021 who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $1000.00.
  • Currently active non-Pell eligible students with a FAFSA determined EFC of 5847 to 10,000, who registered for 6 or more credits during the 2021-2022 academic year, .e. spring 2022, fall 2021 and summer 2021 who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $500.00.
  • Currently active non-Pell eligible students with a FAFSA determined EFC of 10,001 or greater, who registered for 6 or more credits during the 2021-2022 academic year, .e. spring 2022, fall 2021 and summer 2021 who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $300.00.
  • Tier 1B spring 2022 students will be disbursed by February 25, 2022. 

Tier 1C

  • Currently active Pell eligible students who registered for 3 or more credits during the summer 2022 term who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $1000.00. 
  • Currently active non-Pell eligible students with a FAFSA determined EFC of 5847 to 10,000, who registered for 3 or more credits during the summer 2022 who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $500.00. 
  • Currently active non-Pell eligible students with a FAFSA determined EFC of 10,001 or greater, who registered for 3 or more credits during summer 2022 term who have not graduated will be automatically awarded $300.00. 
  • Tier 1C spring 2022 students will be disbursed July 13, 2022. 

Tier 2 (application required)

The Tier 2 application is closed.

Students not awarded in tier 1 can indicate their financial need through the online application. All currently active students who were registered for classes during the emergency declaration, effective March 13, 2020 or greater. Students not awarded under tier 1/1B/1C criteria or tier 1/1B/1C awarded students who still have unmet need can apply for any remaining HERF III funds. Students must submit a request beginning August 9, 2021 for these emergency financial aid funds by completing the form located below.  Award amounts will be determined on a case by case basis ranging from 300.00 to 2000.00 depending on eligible expenses.

Eligibility Criteria - Student Emergency Relief Funding

To qualify for funding, students must meet the following criteria: 

  • A Completed 2020-21 or 2021-2022 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is recommended to determine maximum eligibility. Heartland Community College will use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine initial eligibility. Even if you do not traditionally consider yourself to be a “financial aid” student, complete the FAFSA as soon as possible to determine eligibility for these additional funds. You can access the application on and enter Heartland Community College’s School Code of 030838.
  • Students without a FAFSA on file will need to complete the application and specify reason for request.
  • Student attended Heartland Community College during the Covid 19 emergency declaration period.
  • Experiencing unexpected financial hardship resulting from the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak impacting educational progress.

Examples of Expenses Covered by Coronavirus/COVID-19 Emergency Funding: 

Students can request assistance for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as: tuition; food; housing; course materials, technology, health care (including mental); childcare.

Examples of emergency costs:

  • You had trouble finding employment to help with living expenses while attending school
  • You had to withdraw from your classes and still owe charges on your student account
  • Your internet/WiFi at home was insufficient and you were forced to upgrade your plan
  • With all your classes being virtual this past year, you had to buy a new laptop
  • You incurred additional medical or mental health expenses

Examples of Expenses Not Covered by Coronavirus/COVID-19 Emergency Funding: 

  • Legal expenses or fines
  • Non-essential personal bills
  • Parking tickets, library fines, or other expenses mistakenly incurred
  • Funds for the replacement of lost or stolen items
  • Debt incurred prior to the Illinois COVID-19 emergency declaration (March 26, 2020)

Additional Items to Note: 

  • Applications will be accepted as long as funds are available
  • Funds awarded do not need to be repaid and will not be subject to federal taxes
  • Maximum award depends on eligible expenses
  • Funds awarded will be paid according to the refund preference you select with BankMobile. For more information about BankMobile visit

Application Process:

Certifying and submitting your request for HEERF-III is simple. You will only be asked to answer a few questions and enter a brief statement explaining your circumstances. If approved, you will need to state how you would like your payment to be made on the form.

The HEERF-III Emergency Relief Form will be open until funds are exhausted. Priority funds will be distributed to tier 1 students by August 13, 2021.

Review of application and disbursement of funds could take up to 30 days to process. If you have questions regarding this process contact the Financial Aid office at or 309-268-8020. 

Income Changes due to COVID-19:

If the income on the FAFSA no longer reflects your current financial ability to cover educational expenses due to loss of employment resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Is there anything that can be done to reevaluate my eligibility for Federal Financial Aid for the upcoming 2021-2022 academic year?

A provision included in the American Rescue Plan requires institutions receiving aid from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III) to make financial aid applicants aware of the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member, or themselves.  Students facing this situation may complete the Special Circumstance request for Professional Judgment.  A HCC Financial Aid Administrator reviews these requests.  Students seeking a review of FAFSA information must complete the appropriate appeal form and submit supporting third party documentation.

Priority funding will go to undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional need such as Pell eligible and low expected family contribution (EFC) as determined by the FAFSA. However, all active students who have emergency expenses and submit requests on the Emergency Relief Form are considered for funds until funding is exhausted. Funding amounts are determined by need and availability of funds.

U.S. citizenship is not required

U.S. citizens and non-citizens are eligible to request funds.

Certifying and submitting your request for HEERF-III is simple. You will only be asked to enter a brief statement explaining your circumstances and if approved, how you would like your payment to be made.

FAFSA is not required

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is no longer required to submit your request through the Emergency Relief Form for HEERF-III funds.

Assistance is granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability or national origin. Grant funds are limited and funding is not guaranteed. All grant tier 2 requests will be reviewed for approval within 14 days of receipt.

Student Emergency Financial Aid ARP Awards Table

7/31/2021 $0 0 2,755
8/31/2021 $1,347,000 791 5,212
9/30/2021 $2,434,000 1,369 5,277
10/31/2021 $2,457,000 1,385 5,396
11/30/2021 $2,500,000 1,398 5,396
12/31/2021 $2,526,555 1,430 5,396
1/31/2022 $2,552,555 1,449 6,106
2/28/2022 $3,801,568 2,149 6,645
3/31/2022 $3,821,719 2,165 6,691
4/30/2022 $3,829,832 2,171 6,714
5/31/2022 $3,833,748 2,174 6,719
6/30/2022 $3,626,753 2,021 6,835
7/31/2022 $3,987,997 2,030 6,858
8/31/2022 $3,991,128 2,030 6,865
9/30/2022 $4,002,453 2,034 6,875
10/31/2022 $4,068,095 2,076 6,975
11/30/2022 $4,108,918 2,096 6,989
12/31/2022 $4,119,273 2,103 6,996
1/31/2023 $4,141,707 2,111 7,001
2/28/2023 $4,146,390 2,116 7,007
3/31/2023 $4,154,431 2,119 7,033
4/30/2023 $4,164,478 2,125 7,120
5/31/2023 $4,182,481 2,142 7,132
6/30/2023 $4,182,954 2,143 7,133

Institutional Relief ARP Table

7/31/2021 $2,726,917 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
8/31/2021 $2,761,052 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
9/30/2021 $2,823,409 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
10/31/2021 $2,854,977 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
11/30/2021 $2,871,839 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
12/31/2021 $2,900,834 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
1/31/2022 $2,902,568 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
2/28/2022 $2,906,971 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
3/31/2022 $2,910,782 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
4/30/2022 $2,916,219 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
5/31/2022 $2,920,795 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
6/30/2022 $3,576,929 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
7/31/2022 $3,588,492 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
8/31/2022 $3,601,594 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
9/30/2022 $3,631,721 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
10/31/2022 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
11/30/2022 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
12/31/2022 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
1/31/2023 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
2/28/2023 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
3/31/2023 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
4/30/2023 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
5/31/2023 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
6/30/2023 $4,116,264 Lost revenue and Coronavirus related expenses

Institutional Relief ARP Table - Students

7/31/2021 $0 0 2,755
8/31/2021 $0 0 5,212
9/30/2021 $0 0 5,277
10/31/2021 $0 0 5,396
11/30/2021 $0 0 5,396
12/31/2021 $0 0 5,396
1/31/2022 $0 0 6,106
2/28/2022 $0 0 6,645
3/31/2022 $0 0 6,691
4/30/2022 $0 0 6,714
5/31/2022 $0 0 6,719
6/30/2022 $0 0 6,835
7/31/2022 $0 0 6,858
8/31/2022 $0 0 6,865
9/30/2022 $0 0 6,875
10/31/2022 $0 0 6,975
11/30/2022 $0 0 6,989
12/31/2022 $0 0 6,996
1/31/2023 $0 0 7,001
2/28/2023 $0 0 7,007
3/31/2023 $0 0 7,033
4/30/2023 $0 0 7,120
5/31/2023 $0 0 7,132
6/30/2023 $0 0 7,133
  • Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) Authorized By Coronavirus Reponse and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA)

    The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) is authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Public Law 116-260, signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on December 27, 2020.  In total, the CRRSAA authorized $81.88 billion in support for education, in addition to the $30.75 billion form Secretary DeVos expeditiously provided last spring through Coronavirus Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Public Law 116-136.

    1. The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) has awarded Heartland Community College $3,654,736 for Institutional Costs (Award P425F202289-20A) and $1,046,477 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students (Award P425E202207-20A) under the CARES Act.
    2. The College acknowledged the above mentioned award funding by replying on January 19, 2021 to the Department of Education representatives (Institutional Portion – and on January 19, 2021 and February 11, 2021 for the Student Emergency Financial Aid Grants –
    3. The total amounts of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students can be found in the table labeled Student Emergency Financial Aid CRRSAA Awards. The table will include historical and quarterly information.
    4. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students can be found in the table labeled Student Emergency Financial Aid CRRSAA Awards. The table will include historical and quarterly information.
    5. The total number of students at the College eligible to participate in the Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students can be found in the table labeled Student Emergency Financial Aid CRRSAA Awards. The table will include historical and quarterly information.
    6. The method used by the College to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive can be found below under Heartland Community College’s Student Emergency Funding from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Award Number P425E202207.
    7. Instructions, directions, and guidance provided by the College to students can be found below under Heartland Community College’s Student Emergency Funding from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Award # P425E202207.
    8. The Institutional relief received by the College can be found in the table labeled Institutional Relief CRRSAA.  The table will contain amounts and the descriptions by date and will include historical information.  The quarterly reports can be found linked at the bottom of the table.  The procedures for the Institutional Relief can be found here

    Heartland Community College Student Emergency Funding From The Coronavirus Response Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) Award P425E202207

    The new CRRSAA law provides the U.S. Department of Education with funds to distribute to institutions of higher education in order to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF).  The U.S. Department of Education has made a portion of these funds available to Heartland Community College to ensure learning continues for students during the COVID-19 pandemic, under the CRRSAA as HEERF II. Total allocation to Heartland Community College for Student Emergency Funding is $1,046,477.

    Unlike the CARES Act, the CRRSAA requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional need, as related to components of the student’s cost of attendance. These emergency grants may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance, for costs that have arisen due to coronavirus such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care.

    Award levels (tiers) will be determined based on the following tiers:

    • Tier 1-Pell eligible students and students with an EFC (expected family contribution) less than 12,500 enrolled in 3 or more credits for the spring 2021 will be automatically awarded 600.00. Pell eligible students will be disbursed by March 5, 2021 and Non-Pell eligible students will be disbursed by April 9, 2021.
    • Tier 2- Any remaining CRRSAA funds will be made available to all students who have had additional unexpected expenses or incurred hardship because of COVID-19.  Students must submit a request beginning March 1, 2021 for these emergency financial aid funds by completing the form located below. Please note that students who receive the automatic distributions Spring 2021 are eligible to apply for additional emergency financial aid funds their next term of enrollment, if funding is still available.
      • Tier 2 award amounts will be based upon the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculation from a completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
        • EFC’s less than or equal to 12,500 will be awarded up to the maximum award amount of 600.00
        • EFC’s greater than or equal to 12,501 will be awarded up to the maximum award amount of 300.00

    Eligibility Criteria - Student Emergency Relief Funding

    To qualify for funding, students must meet the following criteria: 

    • A Completed 2020-21 or 2021-2022 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be on file to determine eligibility. Heartland Community College will use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility. Even if you do not traditionally consider yourself to be a “financial aid” student, complete the FAFSA as soon as possible to determine eligibility for these additional funds. You can access the application on and enter Heartland Community College’s School Code of 030838.
    • Student must be enrolled in 3 or more credit hours at Heartland Community College. Exceptions may be given to those enrolled in fewer than 3 credit hours or non-degree programs including continuing education and dual enrollment coursework on a case-by-case basis with documented exceptional need.
    • Students must be a U.S. citizen or noncitizen eligible to receive federal aid.
    • Not owe an overpayment (refund) on Title IV grants
    • Not be in default on a Title IV loan
    • Experiencing unexpected financial hardship resulting from the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak
    • Have repaid any Title IV loan overpayment amounts in excess of annual or aggregate limits, if obtained inadvertently;
    • If you are male 18 or older, have registered for Selective Service; and
    • Not have a federal or state conviction for drug possession or sale, with certain time limitations

    Examples of Expenses Covered by Coronavirus/COVID-19 Emergency Funding: 

    • Emergency medical expenses
    • Technology/equipment needed to ensure continuity of online learning
    • Transportation and Travel expenses impacted
    • Homelessness or potential loss of housing
    • Overdue utility bills reaching a turn-off notice
    • Loss of childcare
    • Health insurance
    • Other financial needs arising from individual and/or special circumstances to be determined on a case-by-case basis

    Examples of Expenses Not Covered by Coronavirus/COVID-19 Emergency Funding: 

    • Legal expenses or fines
    • Non-essential personal bills
    • Parking tickets, library fines, or other expenses mistakenly incurred
    • Funds for the replacement of lost or stolen items
    • Debt incurred prior to the Illinois COVID-19 emergency declaration (March 26, 2020)

    Additional Items to Note: 

    • Students may only receive funds one time per term via this application
    • Funds awarded do not need to be repaid and will not be subject to federal taxes
    • Maximum award is 600.00 depending on eligible expenses
    • Funds awarded will be paid according to the refund preference you select with BankMobile. For more information about BankMobile visit
    • International students studying in the U.S. with an F-1 Student Visa, students enrolled in non-credit coursework, and dual enrolled high school students are not eligible for CRRSAA grant funding. These students should contact Success Connections at

    Application Process: 

    The Tier 2 application process is closed. If you have questions regarding this process contact the Financial Aid office at or 309-268-8020. 

    Student Emergency Financial Aid CRRSAA Awards Table

    1/12/2021 $0 0 1,588
    2/28/2021 $434,400 730 1,588
    3/31/2021 $559,800 952 1,949
    4/30/2021 $646,800 1,098 2,192
    5/31/2021 $647,400 1,099 2,271
    6/30/2021 $805,800 1,185 2,271
    7/31/2021 $812,100 1,191 2,755
    8/31/2021 $812,100 1,191 2,755
    9/30/2021 $815,877 1,194 5,277
    10/31/2021 $816,877 1,195 5,396
    11/30/2021 $819,355 1,197 5,396
    12/31/2021 $821,470 1,198 5,396
    1/31/2022 $830,193 1,206 6,106
    2/28/2022 $828,250 1,206 6,645
    3/31/2022 $831,464 1,208 6,691
    4/30/2022 $831,464 1,208 6,714
    5/31/2022 $831,464 1,208 6,719
    6/30/2022 $1,046,477 1,362 6,835

    Institutional Relief CRRSAA Table

    1/12/2021 $3,704.06 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    2/28/2021 $21,925.46 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    3/31/2021 $53,407.15 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    4/30/2021 $81,405.51 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    5/31/2021 $2,086,361 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    6/30/2021 $2,668,931 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    7/31/2021 $2,741,556 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    8/31/2021 $2,796,272 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    9/30/2021 $2,864,004 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    10/31/2021 $2,964,074 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    11/30/2021 $3,128,686 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    12/31/2021 $3,144,892 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    1/31/2022 $3,308,222 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    2/28/2022 $3,369,066 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    3/31/2022 $3,453,906 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    4/30/2022 $3,470,370 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    5/31/2022 $3,488,217 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses
    6/30/2022 $3,654,736 Lost Revenue and Coronavirus related expenses

    Institutional Relief CRRSAA Table - Students

    1/12/2021 $0 0 1,588
    2/28/2021 $0 0 1,588
    3/31/2021 $0 0 1,949
    4/30/2021 $0 0 2,192
    5/31/2021 $0 0 2,271
    6/30/2021 $0 0 2,271
    7/31/2021 $0 0 2,755
    8/31/2021 $0 0 2,755
    9/30/2021 $0 0 5,277
    10/31/2021 $0 0 5,396
    11/30/2021 $0 0 5,396
    12/31/2021 $0 0 5,396
    1/31/2022 $0 0 6,106
    2/28/2022 $0 0 6,645
    3/31/2022 $0 0 6,691
    4/30/2022 $0 0 6,714
    5/31/2022 $0 0 6,719
    6/30/2022 $0 0 6,835

    HEERF Institutional Relief Quarterly Reports










  • Eligibility Criteria

    To qualify for funding, students must meet the following criteria:

    • Enrolled as a degree-seeking full-time or part-time undergraduate at Heartland Community College during the Spring 2020 academic term
    • Experiencing unexpected financial hardship resulting from the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak

    Examples of Expenses Covered by Coronavirus/COVID-19 Emergency funding:

    • Emergency medical and dental expenses
    • Technology/equipment needed to ensure continuity of online learning
    • Travel expenses impacted
    • Homelessness or potential loss of housing
    • Overdue utility bills reaching a turn-off notice
    • Loss of childcare
    • Health insurance
    • Other financial needs arising from individual and/or special circumstances to be determined on a case-by-case basis

    Examples of Expenses Not Covered by Coronavirus/COVID-19 Emergency Funding:

    • Anticipated expenses extending beyond spring 2020 semester
    • Legal expenses or fines
    • Non-essential personal bills
    • Parking tickets, library fines, or other expenses mistakenly incurred
    • Funds for the replacement of lost or stolen items
    • Debt incurred prior to the Illinois COVID-19 emergency declaration (March 26, 2020)

    Additional Items to Note

    • Due to the fact that limited funding is available, requests made for expenses beyond the spring 2020 semester will not be considered
    • Students may only receive funds one time via this application
    • Funds awarded do not need to be repaid and will not be subject to federal taxes
    • Award range is $300.00 to $1,000.00 depending on eligible expenses
    • Funds awarded will be paid according to the refund preference you select with BankMobile. For more information about BankMobile visit

    Application Process

    Contact the Financial Aid Office to complete an application at or 309-268-8020.

    Fund Distribution

    Heartland Community College has distributed emergency financial aid grant funds to our students following our policy and procedures for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the CARES Act. The CARES Act, which establishes and funds the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), directs institutions of higher education to use not less than 50 percent of funds received under Sections 18004(a)(1) and 18004(c) of the CARES Act to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.

    Heartland Community College has distributed the following to our students:

    9/30/2020 $835,234 917 3,388
    12/31/2020 $1,046,477 1,154 3,388
    1/6/2021 $1,046,477 1,154 3,388
    1/31/2021 $1,046,477 1,154 3,388
    2/28/2021 $1,046,477 1,154 3,388
    3/31/2021 $1,046,477 1,154 3,388

    Institutional relief

    Heartland Community College has received institutional emergency relief funds following our policy and procedures for the Institutional Portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Formula Grants Authorized by Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The CARES Act, which establishes and funds the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), directs institutions of higher education to use up to 50 percent of funds received under Section 18004(c) of the CARES Act to cover any costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus. Heartland Community College has realized lost revenue and expended the following for institutional costs described above:

    1/6/2021 $1,029,914 Revenue refunded to students
    along with Coronavirus related expenses
    1/31/2021 $1,042,376 Revenue refunded to students
    along with Coronavirus related expenses 
    2/28/2021 $1,042,376 Revenue refunded to students
    along with Coronavirus related expenses 
    3/31/2021 $1,042,376 Revenue refunded to students
    along with Coronavirus related expenses 

    Heartland Community College may, but is not required to, use funds designated for the Institutional Costs to provide additional emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. If the College chooses to use funds designated for Institutional Costs to provide such emergency financial grants to students, then the funds are subject to the requirements in the Funding Certification and Agreement for the Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the CARES act, entered into between the College and the Secretary of Education.  Heartland Community College has distributed the above described institutional relief emergency funds to our students: 

    1/6/2021 $4,100 28 3,388
    1/31/2021 $4,100 28 3,388
    2/28/2021 $4,100 28 3,388
    3/31/2021 $4,100 28 3,388

    HEERF Institutional Relief Quarterly Reports

    HEERF Institutional Relief Funding Quarterly Report covering Quarter Ending 9/30/2020

    HEERF Institutional Relief Funding Quarterly Report covering Quarter Ending 12/31/2020

    HEERF Institutional Relief Funding Quarterly Report covering Quarter Ending 3/31/2021