Directions to Heartland
Heartland Community College
1500 West Raab Road
Normal, IL 61761
309-268-8000From the Bloomington-Normal airport
- Left on Empire (Route 9)
- Right on BUSN 51/Main Street
- Left on Raab Road
- Right to campus
From the Northeast (Pontiac/Chicago area)
- I-55 South to BUSN 51 South (Exit 165)
- Left on BUSN 51 to Raab Road
- Right to campus
From the North (Rockford area)
- I-39 South to BUSN 51 South (Exit 2) to Raab Road
- Right to campus
From the Northwest (Quad-Cities/Peoria area)
- I-74 East to I-55 North
- Take US-51 South to Exit 165A (South on Main Street)
- Right onto Raab Road
- Right to campus
From the Southwest (Lincoln/Springfield area)
- I-55 North to I-55/I-74 around the west of Bloomington and Normal to BUSN 51 South (Exit 165A) to Raab Road
- Right to campus
From the Southeast (Champaign area)
- I-74 West to I-55 North
- Take US-51 South to Exit 165A (South on Main Street)
- Right onto Raab Road
- Right to campus
Heartland Community College Normal Campus:
1500 W. Raab Road, Normal, IL 61761Heartland Community College Lincoln Center
2201 Woodlawn Rd.
Lincoln, IL 62656
217-735-1731From the main campus (Normal)
- Take I-55 South to Exit 133
- Turn left (east) toward IL-121/Lincoln/Decatur.
- In 1.20 miles turn right onto Stuart Dr.
- The Lincoln Center is located on your right at 2201 Woodlawn Rd, Lincoln, IL.
Heartland Community College Lincoln Center:
2201 Woodlawn Rd. Lincoln, IL 62656Heartland Community College Pontiac Center
211 E. Madison St.
Pontiac, IL 61764
815-842-6777From the main campus (Normal)
- Take I-55 North to Exit 197
- Go east on Route 116 (Reynolds St.)
- Turn left (north) on Old Route 66
- Turn right (east) onto Route 116 (Howard Street)
- Continue on 116 through the business district
- Two blocks after second stoplight, (Main Street) turn right (south) onto Locust
- Go one block on Locust and turn right (west) onto Madison St.
- The Pontiac Center is the first building on the right, the second floor of the Pontiac Public Library
Heartland Community College Lincoln Center: 211 E. Madison St. Pontiac, IL 62656