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Heartland Community College

The 4 Joes

This art exhibit was on display through Friday, December 4.

About the Exhibit

The 4 Joes: Works by Joe McCauley Scholarship Recipients will be on display October 19 through December 4 in the Joe McCauley Gallery, located in room 2507 of the Instructional Commons Building (ICB) on Heartland’s Normal campus, 1500 W. Raab Road.

The 4 Joes exhibit showcases recent artwork by Joseph E. McCauley Art Scholarship recipients. Artwork on display comes from students Sarah Frey, Amber Gravett, Tyler Mardis and Olivia Roberts.

About the Artists:

Sarah Frey is a current HCC student and began attending in the fall of 2013. Her favorite medium is the "Sharpie, it is a clean media to work with.  I like the simplicity of just using one color.  It allows me to focus on the content of the work.  I also love traditional black and white photography.  To me it conveys more emotion than digital photography."  For Sarah, art "is relaxing and allows me to express myself.  It also allows me to connect with other people by communicating through imagery."

She was awarded the McCauley Scholarship in 2013, and also received two Heartland Faculty Association Scholarships, in 2013 and 2015. Her work has been shown in ANYBODY: Art and Essays about Body Image, McCauley Gallery, 2014, and the HCC Annual Juried Student Exhibit, 2014, with an Honorable Mention in Photography award, and 2015. She attended

Olympia High School and studied art with Traci Manning and Mr. Morris.

Amber Gravett attended HCC from 2010 to 2014, and she is now studying at Illinois State University. Her favorite medium is the " Pencil, because all of my artwork starts out as a pencil sketch." She states that "Art is important to me, because I have always loved drawing and wanted a career in entertainment design. Studying art history and practicing with a wide range of media has helped me gain better understanding of art and the creative process, which has helped me reach a new level of drawing that I never would have achieved otherwise."

She was awarded the McCauley Scholarship in 2011, and has received the Irving Tick Award for printmaking and the Nam Clark Award in drawing at ISU. Her work has been shown at the ISU Annual Juried Student Exhibit, 2015, and in three HCC Annual Juried Student Exhibits, with a third place award in 2012 and second place awards in 2011 and 2013. She attended Normal Community High School and studied art with Mrs. Hooten and Mrs. Kelly.

Tyler Mardis is a current student and began attending HCC in 2014. His favorite medium is darkroom photography "because I love capturing moments and creating stories with my camera."

For Tyler, "Art is important to me because I believe self expression is an outlet that is so important for one’s self and for people to take in. Through all the mediums- things that make you happy, laugh, think, create, discover-There are endless provoking thoughts, ideas, and creations that come from art."

He was awarded the McCauley Scholarship in 2015, and has shown work in the HCC Annual Juried Student Exhibit, 2015. He is a father and an alum of Normal Community High School.

Olivia Roberts is a current student and began attending HCC in 2011. Her favorite media include "using watercolor and colored pencils together since they have bright colors and create nice texture. Chalk pastels are fun for me to use because they are soft and easy to manipulate on paper, making it simple to blend shadows, mid-tones, and highlights." For Olivia, "Art is important to me because it allows me to communicate my thoughts and feelings about the world, as well as express the images I see in my mind. It is also important to me since I get to create things for other people that make them smile and help them escape reality for a little bit."

She was awarded the Joe McCauley Scholarship in 2014. She attended Normal Community West High School and studied art with Grace Traynor.

Artist Reception

Date: Thursday, November 5

Place: ICB 2507

Time: 4:00-5:30 p.m.

Joe McCauley Art Gallery

ICB 2507

Gallery Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Contact the Gallery

Carol Hahn

Associate Dean, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Emma Grant

Administrative Assistant, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Phone: 309-268-8635

Campus Map

Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Division