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Heartland Community College

Internships at HCC


What is an Internship?

An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional workplace setting. Internships provide students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience, develop social capital, explore career fields, and make connections in professional fields. 

- NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers)

What are the Benefits for Students?

  • Gain meaningful exposure to industry practices, trends, and culture
  • Develop professional skills in an environment designed to help you grow
  • Network with individuals in the field - you could potentially land a mentor!
  • Increase workforce confidence by strengthening your professional identity
  • Enhance resume by adding skills gained through internship 
  • Achieve professional and personal goals in your career 
  • Increase chances of full-time work at company

What are the Benefits for Employers?

Internships serve as a significant recruiting mechanism for employers, providing them with the opportunity to guide and evaluate potential candidates.

- NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers)

Additional benefits:

  • Access to Talented Students with Diverse Experiences
  • Enhance Organization Productivity
  • Fresh Ideas, Innovation, & Brand Visibility
  • Skill Development and Training
  • Pipeline for Future Talent
  • Community Engagement

Check out this article by NACE on Best Practices for Internship Programs

 Need help developing an internship program? Reach out to the Career Center for support with your next steps!

  • Internships for Academic Credit are for students at a certain part in their academic plan where an internship is necessary to fulfill their program requirements to graduate

    Internships for Academic Credit are also for students that do not have a program requirement, yet want to transfer the credits they obtain from the internship to their next institution, as elective credits. If you are interested in exploring this option, make sure you confirm with your advisor that these credits will indeed transfer. 

    *If they do not transfer, please see the section on Internships for Professional Development (Not-for-Credit).

    An Internship for Academic Credit is a class course. Like other classes, there is a cost per credit hour, as well as assignments, and a final project that you must complete to receive credit. Below you will find additional information about credit hours vs. internship hours and tuition cost.

    • 1 credit hour = 75 hours of internship work
    • 2 credit hours = 150 hours of internship work
    • 3 credit hours = 225 hours of internship work

    Information: Tuition Cost & Required Fees

    Students can enroll in an internship up until the withdrawal date. Academic Calendar

    Steps to Completing an Internship for Academic Credit

    • Speak with your advisor to determine the number of credits you need for your internship and academic program. 
      • If you plan to transfer your internship credits as electives, make sure they transfer to your institution(s) of interest.
    • Find an Internship Site and Site Supervisor
    • Select a Faculty Advisor
    • Create Internship Learning Objectives 
    • Complete Internship Approval Form
    • Submit completed Approval Form to Faculty Advisor
    • Wait for Enrollment Notification from Records Office
    • Begin Internship!
    • Submit Timesheet and Weekly Reports to Canvas Shell
    • Receive a Visit from Faculty Advisor at Internship Site
    • Submit a Final Project

    Important Paperwork

    For Students 

    For Employers

  • Internships for Professional Development (Not-for-Credit) are for students that want the benefits of an internship experience, but do not need to take the internship as a requirement of a program. Nor do they plan to transfer credits.  

    Steps to Completing an Internship for Professional Development (Not-for-Credit)

    You do not need to complete the documents required for internships for academic credit. 

    • Find an internship site
      • Confirm if the internship is paid or non-paid
    • Establish learning objectives with your site supervisor to ensure everyone is on the same page for this internship experience.  
    • Determine the start and end date of your internship prior to your first day.
    • Once the internship is complete, send a Thank You email to your site supervisor for this opportunity. 
    • Share your experience with the Career Center!

    Note: If you have any questions/concerns or challenges while at your internship site, please reach out to the Career Center. 

    We encourage you to complete the form below & share insight about your experience with the Career Center! We want to highlight testimonies from students, like YOU!

    Share your experience!

How to Find an Internship?

  • Start EARLY – Securing an internship that meets your career goals requires time. Put your best foot forward by starting your search a semester before you plan to partake in an internship experience.
  • Update your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn to ensure your professional materials are positioned for success.
  • Schedule a 1:1 with Career Center Staff to explore options and map out a plan of action. The Career Center can also assist with interview preparation.
  • Handshake is the #1 way students find jobs and internships. Check out this guide to create your student profile and begin your search.
  • Attend Job Fairs and networking events on campus. This is a chance to speak with recruiters directly and explore internship experiences at their organization.
  • Leverage your network – Share that you are seeking an internship opportunity with your instructors, advisors, and mentors. They can be a connecting piece to your next opportunity!
  • If you are looking for a micro-internship (short term), check out opportunities on Parker-Dewey.
  • Be patient and embrace a positive mindset for this process. You can do it!