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Heartland Community College

Skills Testing/ Assessment

Strengthen your pre-employment screenings and job placement decisions.

Strengthen your pre-employment screenings and job placement decisions with computer and performance-based assessments. Heartland Community College can offer your organization unbiased third-party evaluations in more than 100 different areas.

These proctored exams are taken online and on site at Heartland Community College. We will work with you to determine an assessment schedule that meets your needs. Some tests are scored instantly while others require routing to an authorized individual. A score report will be provided to assist the employer in making an objective, data-driven decision.

Areas of assessment include:

  • Administration
  • Architecture and construction
  • AV technology and communications
  • English comprehension and literacy
  • Health science
  • IT
  • Maintenance
  • Manufacturing
  • STEM
  • Transportation, distribution, and logistics
  • Skill levels in additional areas (at request of organization)

Call Christina Schulz at (309) 268-8173 or fill out the form below to discuss your skills testing and assessment needs.