You will not be able to place I-Share requests or have any requests fulfilled between December 23, 2021- January 2, 2022 due to winter break.Streaming Media
Journal, Magazine & Newspaper Articles
*Please note the EBSCO databases have changed to an exciting new user interface. Let us know if you have any access issues or other questions at Ask A Librarian.
Citation Generator
Create a NoodleTools account to generate citations in MLA or APA style and export citations into a Word document.
*Use your myHeartland email address to sign in to Noodletools! Questions? See our FAQ
A-Z Databases
Comprehensive list of the library's databases can be found here!
Test Prep
Online test prep resource that helps with academic skills and career specific certifications.
Research Appointment
Reserve one-on-one time with a librarian to find or cite your sources. Schedule an appointment through Navigate.
Book Pickup
You can request physical books from the HCC Library and I-Share for pickup at the Main, Lincoln, and Pontiac campuses. Check out the Book Pickup page on the Library Resources guide for instructions on how to request items.