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Heartland Community College


  • Books

    You will not be able to place I-Share requests or have any requests fulfilled between December 23, 2021- January 2, 2022 due to winter break. 

    Streaming Media

  • Journal, Magazine & Newspaper Articles

    *Please note the EBSCO databases have changed to an exciting new user interface. Let us know if you have any access issues or other questions at Ask A Librarian.

  • Citation Generator


    Create a NoodleTools account to generate citations in MLA or APA style and export citations into a Word document.

    *Use your myHeartland email address to sign in to Noodletools! Questions? See our FAQ

A-Z Databases

Comprehensive list of the library's databases can be found here!

Test Prep

Online test prep resource that helps with academic skills and career specific certifications.

Research Appointment

Reserve one-on-one time with a librarian to find or cite your sources. Schedule an appointment through Navigate.

Book Pickup

You can request physical books from the HCC Library and I-Share for pickup at the Main, Lincoln, and Pontiac campuses. Check out the Book Pickup page on the Library Resources guide for instructions on how to request items. 

Contact Us 

HCC Library
Student Commons Building (SCB)
Academic Support Center
1500 W Raab Road
Normal, IL 61761
See map (PDF)
Phone: 309 268-8292
Fax: 309 268-7989
Email: Ask A Librarian