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Heartland Community College

Manage My Password

The first time you use Manage My Password you need to do two things:

  1. Set your password.
  2. Change your security questions.

To set your password, you will need to answer three preset default security questions. These questions are:

  1. What is your birth date?
  2. What are the last four digits of your social security number?
  3. What is your seven-digit student ID number?

Password Policy

We enforce certain requirements when you select a password: 

Password Requirements
Requirement Rule
Length Minimum of eight characters.
Complexity Your password must be at least eight characters, at least one upper case letter, at least one lower case letter, and at least one number. Also, your password cannot not include your Full Name or Login Name.
History You may not reuse previous HCC passwords.
Login Attempts A user is allowed six login attempts. Each time a user tries to login with an incorrect password, a "login attempt" will be used. If a user tries to login six times and fails each time, the user account will be locked.
Secrecy Never give out your password. Sharing Passwords is NOT PERMISSIBLE. Heartland staff will never ask for your password.

Employee Multi-Factor Authentication

Employees needing assistance with multi-factor authentication (MFA), view the MFA documentation (PDF).

Contact Us

IT Department

SCB Suite 2000

General information: 

IT Helpdesk

Student hotline:
Employee only hotline


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