Student Conduct
View the entire Code of Student Conduct (PDF). For any questions, please email the Dean of Students.
Core Values and Philosophy
As a student at Heartland Community College, you are a member of the College community. As such, you are expected to uphold and accept standards of conduct. These expectations form the basis of the Code of Student Conduct and exemplify a set of core values that include integrity, social justice, respect, community, and responsibility.
The student conduct process at Heartland Community College is not intended to punish students. The goal is to help balance the interests of individual students with the interests of the College community. The process is intended to help develop and educate students.
Standards of Conduct
The Code of Student Conduct applies to all students and all College-affiliated student organizations. The Code of Student Conduct applies to behaviors on campus, at any College-sponsored event, and in certain instances can apply to off-campus behavior.
Examples of conduct violations include, but are not limited to:
- Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, etc.;
- Knowingly furnishing false information to the College;
- Forgery, alteration, or any misuse of College documents and records;
- Conduct which significantly interferes with the College’s teaching, administration, or other responsibilities;
- Conduct which endangers the health, safety, or well-being of members of the College community or visitors to the campus, including but not limited to, unauthorized and/or illegal possession, use or distribution of controlled substances, look-alike drugs, alcohol, or unauthorized/illegal use or possession of firearms or any other weapon;
- Violation of specific College rules and regulations, including those regarding campus parking, equipment, facilities, and telecommunications/Internet;
- Failure to comply with directions of College officials acting within the scope of their duties;
- Any conduct which constitutes a violation of a federal, state, or local law. College officials will cooperate with federal, state, and local authorities in any investigation of such violations.
If Code of Student Conduct violations also violate federal or state law, the College conduct process will go forward aside of any criminal complaint that arises from the same incident.
Reporting Code of Student Conduct Violations
Reporting a concern does not mean that one has to be to be positive a violation occurred. By submitting a report, an individual is indicating that they want someone to look into a situation. An individual can report possible Code of Student Conduct violations through campus security, the Dean of Students or through an online form.
Report a Code of Conduct Violation
Report an Academic Integrity Violation
Conduct Process Overview
Once notification is received from any source (victim, 3rd party, online, etc.), the College will proceed with a preliminary investigation and/or may schedule an initial educational meeting/conference with the responding student to explain the conduct process to the responding student and gather information.
- College conducts a review of the complaint.
- Administrator schedules meetings with involved parties to hear all sides of complaint.
- Administrator decides outcome based on the preponderance of evidence.
- Administrator notifies appropriate individuals of outcome.
- Administrator reviews and finalizes sanctions.
- Student has the right to appeal decisions made by the administrator.
This is a simplified version of the conduct process. To see a full overview of this process, read Section 5 of the Code of Student Conduct.
Group Violations
It is possible for student groups and organizations to be held in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Procedures for groups follow the same process as for individual students.
In certain cases, the College provides amnesty to those who may be hesitant to report violations to College officials because they fear that they themselves may be accused of minor policy violations. Educational options will be explored, but no conduct proceedings or conduct record will result. However, records regarding the provision of amnesty will be maintained.
Student Conduct Related Policies
Academic Integrity Policy
Integrity in academics is a fundamental principle at Heartland Community College (HCC) and the world in which we live; therefore, is essential to the credibility of the College’s educational programs. It is important that all credit and recognition earned at this institution reflect the honest work of each individual. Academic Integrity protects the value of your educational achievement at Heartland Community College. Integrity, respect, and honest achievement are necessary principles for an educated person, and the College is committed to helping students achieve these ideals through development and growth. The College therefore views any act of academic dishonesty as a serious offense against the HCC community, which includes all students and staff.
Heartland Honor Code:
In the continuous pursuit of excellence, the HCC community is dedicated to the principles of integrity, respect, and honest achievement. As a member of this community, we each have the responsibility to uphold these ideals with the expectation they be upheld by others.
Student Validation of Work:
The signing of a student’s name, whether manual or electronic, will declare that the product being signed is the student’s own work completed according to instructor guidelines and rules.
Academic Integrity Is Promoted When Students:
Focus on the process of learning. Mastering the material and the process of learning are more important than having a “grade-only” or a “succeed at whatever cost” mentality. This mentality can lead to short term gains with long term consequences.
Employ good time management and study skill techniques. Poor time management, trying to take on too much in one semester, and ineffective study skills often lead to lack of preparation and an inability to meet deadlines. Acts of academic dishonesty are often desperate attempts to cover-up for lack of time and preparation.
Seek help. Free services are available. If you are overwhelmed by course content, meet with the faculty member to discuss your concerns. Heartland also provides free tutoring and help with papers at Tutoring Services. Students can get help with time management and study skills at Success Connections.
Familiarize themselves with the policies. Policies established by each faculty member are most often found in the course syllabus; the College policies are found in the HCC Catalog and Student Handbook.
Communicate upfront. Collaborate only when it is permitted by that faculty member, and maintain the HCC Academic Integrity standards if academic dishonesty is suggested. Let study partners know where you stand on issues of academic integrity.
Improve time-management and study skills. Schedule adequate time for studying and writing papers. Keep a balance between school, work, family, and extra-curricular activities.
Withdraw from the course. If you are doing poorly in a course or if a crisis has caused you to fall too far behind, first consider talking to your instructor or a tutor. Also, consult with your academic advisor about the withdrawal date and to discuss your questions and concerns. Don’t ever consider academic dishonesty as an option to try to achieve your goals.
Re-examine goals. HCC offers free career counseling through Enrollment Services to help you determine the best use of your interests and abilities. Know that family and friends may try to influence you, but the choice of your future is ultimately up to you.
Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:
Misrepresentation of Data:
- Fabricating data or deliberately presenting in an assignment data that was not obtained in accordance with assigned guidelines for data collection or generation;
- Providing an inaccurate account of the method used in collecting/gathering data.
Falsification of Academic Records or Documents:
- Altering without proper authorization any documents affecting academic records;
- Forging signatures of authorization;
- Falsifying information on an official academic document such as a grade report, ID card, letter of permission, a document meant to exempt a student from an academic requirement, or any other document pertaining to academic requirements.
- Any unauthorized use of notes, study aids, technology platforms, or information from class work or examination from another student;
- Secretly obtaining test information prior to taking that exam;
- Altering graded work and then resubmitting it for a grade;
- Altering or destroying grade records;
- Allowing another person to take an exam in one’s place;
- Submitting identical or similar papers for credit in more than one course without obtaining prior permission from the course instructors involved.
Aiding Cheating or Other Acts of Academic Dishonesty:
- Providing material or information with the knowledge that it will be used improperly;
- Any actions that intentionally form an unfair advantage over fellow students’ work;
- Postponing the taking of an exam by reporting an untrue circumstance (illness, emergency, etc.);
- Developing relationships with college personnel to obtain information or an advantage not provided to all students.
- Falsifying information that would be used to acquire privileges such as obtaining an incomplete for a course.
- Presenting as one’s own work ideas or information that are not considered to be common knowledge;
- Representation of works done by another person without customary and proper acknowledgement of that authorship or collaboration;
To learn more about the definition and scope of plagiarism, please see your instructor or a Heartland librarian. Unfamiliarity of this term will not excuse a student from the penalties of such conduct.
Unauthorized Access to Computerized Academic or Administrative Records or Systems:
- Viewing or altering the College’s computer records without authorization;
- Copying or modifying the College’s computer programs or systems without authorization;
- Releasing or dispensing information gained through unauthorized access;
- Interfering with the use or availability of computer systems or information;
- Using College computing resources to illegally obtain or distribute copyrighted material;
- At locations where College-sponsored activities are held, the unauthorized use, viewing, copying, or altering of other institutions’ computer records, systems, or programs is in violation of academic integrity.
Dismissal Policy
Policy for Students who are withdrawn from the College for violating the Code of Conduct:
Students dismissed from the College for a violation of the Code of Conduct will be administratively withdrawn from all courses. An administrative withdrawal will supersede any student initiated withdrawals.
Dismissed students will receive a grade of AW or AF in all courses taken during the semester in which the withdrawal occurs. Grades will be determined as a part of the sanctioning process.
A grade of AW means the student has been administratively withdrawn from all courses for violating the Code of Conduct. This grade is not figured into the student’s GPA. College refund policies apply.
A grade of AF means the student has been administratively removed from a course or courses for violating the Code of Conduct. This grade will be figured into the student’s GPA as a failing grade of “F”. No refund of tuition or fees.
Re-admittance Policy
Students dismissed from the College for a violation of the Code of Conduct will be allowed to return to the College at a date pre-determined at the time of dismissal. However, before the student will be allowed to return, they will be required to provide evidence demonstrating steps have been taken to rehabilitate the offending behaviors, and that they are able to participate in the campus community without further incident. It is possible that a conditional return may be granted which could limit a student’s use of some services.