Mental Health Peer Advocates
Mental Health Peer Advocates at Heartland Community College work one-on-one with their peers to help bring them into wellness by:
- Serving as role models and openly sharing their wellness experience
- Introduce peer to Counseling Services and be their go-between.
- Aiding peers in finding basic needs and important services/resources at HCC and in the community.
- Setting goals with peers and being there while they achieve them.
Email Student Counseling Services at
Call Camille Springer at (309)268-8391
Are you interested in becoming a Mental Health Peer Advocate? You may have many questions about what it means to be a Mental Health Peer Advocate and how to apply. We hope to address many of your questions here.
What is Peer Advocating?
The Mental Health Peer Advocates are a free, confidential, and anonymous service available to all HCC students who wish to share a problem, need referral information, or just want to talk to an unbiased listener. The service is staffed by student volunteers who are trained active listeners and who are knowledgeable about the campus resources available to assist students.
What qualities do I need to be a Mental Health Peer Advocates?
Mental Health Peer Advocates should be dedicated, empathetic, and committed to helping others. We want individuals who are able to problem solve without sharing personal information, experiences, opinions or values.
Will I get paid?
Can only certain majors participate?
You might think that you have to be a psychology major in order to be a Mental Health Peer Advocates. However, that is not the case. All majors are welcome to apply.
What are the benefits of being a Mental Health Peer Advocate?
Mental Health Peer Advocates gain skills in active listening and problem solving that can be applied to many real life situations. They also receive the good feeling of helping others, while interacting with other Peer Advocates. This service can also be used as a reference for employers and graduate schools.
What are the requirements and expectations to be a Mental Health Peer Advocate?
There is an application and interviewing process along with a mandatory, intensive training. Each student is expected to be on shift for between 2 - 4 hours per week. There are also mandatory bi-weekly staff meetings designed to help refine active listening skills.
How long will I have this position?
While there is no limit, it is expected that newly accepted applicants volunteer for two semesters before leaving. This way you are able to gain valuable experience that can most benefit HCC students and other Mental Health Peer Advocates who may look to you for guidance.
Email Student Counseling Services at
Call Camille Springer at (309)268-8391