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Heartland Community College

Leave Requests

The Dean of Students Office recognizes that life circumstances can sometimes get in the way of students' success. Our office is committed to working with students who may need time away from campus to attend to personal matters. 

Temporary Special Leave Request

Students may be eligible for temporary special leave deemed reasonable for a limited period, with appropriate documentation. The Temporary Special Leave Request should be used for students needing to be away for bereavement after the loss of a loved one, military training, military deployment, or other special circumstances. The Dean of Students Office staff acts as a liaison between the student and faculty to encourage continued communication and ensure academic requirements are addressed. Students are expected to work with individual instructors regarding specific requests and communicate the anticipated duration of the absence. Documentation may be requested to support the request. 


Typically, students are eligible for up to seven calendar days of excused absences in the event of a death of an immediate family member or relative, including spouse, domestic partner, parent, child, grandparents, grandchild or sibling, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, first cousin, in-law, or step relative. The Dean of Students will consider requests beyond the immediate family or relatives listed on a case-by-case basis. If excessive travel time is required, additional time may be granted. Students should submit the Temporary Special Leave Request and include the dates they will miss class and when they expect to return. 

Military Leave and Deployment

Students who are scheduled to miss less than 2 weeks may be eligible for a temporary, short-term leave of absence. Students must self-identify by completing the Temporary Short-term Leave of Absence form and providing a copy of their military orders, training schedule, or letter from the applicable unit/commander.

Students called to active duty for 2 weeks or more have the right to receive a refund of tuition and fees applicable to their registration. To initiate the process, students should complete the Student Appeal Due to Extenuating Circumstances form. Students are advised to work with their instructors and/or the Dean of Students Office to identify the best course of action. 

Temporary Medical Accommodations Request

The Student Access and Accommodation Services Office oversees the Temporary Medical Accommodations Process. Temporary medical circumstances include, but are not limited to: surgical recovery, pregnancy or new parenting, extended hospitalization, persistent injury, or severe illness.

Submit the Temporary Medical Accommdations Request