Rules & Regulations
While in the FRC, please follow these rules and regulations.
- Persons using the gymnasium, weight room or cardio area on the first floor must be at least 16 years of age.
- All users must check in at a Fitness and Recreation Center desk station and present the proper student or employee ID. Failure to present proper ID will result in denial of first floor FRC access.
- Users must wear appropriate exercise attire while working out. Clean athletic shoes only. No open-toed or open-backed shoes, boots, sandals or any other shoe with a black marking sole will be permitted. No jeans, jean shorts or any other clothing with zippers or rivets are allowed.
- Use all safety features as you assume all risk incorporated with using the exercise equipment.
- The FRC is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. Valuables should be kept at home or secured in a locker. You may bring your own lock. Any locks left on overnight will be cut off. Items will not be held at the front desk. No bags or coats are allowed on the floor with you. Locks are available free of charge at the front desk with an ID.
- All equipment malfunctions and injuries should be immediately reported to FRC staff.
- No profanity.
- Respect others while working out. If others are waiting to use the equipment, be prompt with your rest periods, or allow them to work in with you.
- Please practice personal hygiene.
- In the event that all treadmills/cardio equipment are full, limit your cardio workouts to 30 minutes.
- When using the free weight area:
- Collars are to be used at all times to secure the weights on the bar.
- After use, return all dumbbells and weights to their designated area.
- All users must use the safety bars when using the squat racks.
- Do not drop dumbbells or weights for any reason. Only Olympic style lifts performed on the platforms, while using the bumper plates, are allowed to be dropped.
- Users must re-rack all weights after use and clean the used equipment by wiping it down.
- No chalk allowed.
- No eating or drinking in the FRC other than capped bottles of water. Please dispose of all trash in the appropriate receptacle.
- Failure to comply with the above minor offenses will result in the following:
- First offense: access will be temporarily revoked.
- Second offense: access will be permanently revoked.
- Fighting will not be tolerated and is a major offense. Any physical altercation will result in an immediate suspension of up to one semester. A second offense will result in a permanent ban from the FRC.
- Any insubordination, general disrespect for staff or failure to comply with a request of staff is a major offense. Persons violating this rule will be subject to having their FRC privileges suspended for up to one full semester. Students violating this rule are subject to discipline by the College under the Student Code of Conduct. Faculty and staff found in violation will be referred to their supervisor for disciplinary action by the College.