Register to Vote
You have a choice about where and how to register to vote. You may either register at your campus address or at your permanent home address (if different). You also have several options how to register to vote.

Ways to Register
Register Online
Required Information:
- Illinois driver’s license or State ID card number
- Last 4 digits of your social security number
- The date the Illinois driver’s license or state ID card was issued
Register In Person
Required Information:
- Two forms of identification with at least one showing your current address.
Examples include: driver’s license, social security card, public aid identification card, utility bill, employee or student identification card, apartment lease, credit card
How: Go to the County Clerk’s Office in:
- McLean County (115 E. Washington, Room 102, Bloomington, IL)
- Livingston County (112 West Madison, Room 105, Pontiac, IL)
- Logan County (601 Broadway, Room 20, Lincoln, IL)
Register by Mail
Required Information:
- Illinois driver’s license number
- Last 4 digits of your social security number
- copy of current and valid photo ID, or current utlizity bill, bank statement, government check, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter.
Become an Informed Voter
Visit for a simple, step-by-step process to:
- Register to vote
- Confirm your registration
- Review your ballot
- Find your polling location
- Vote
Voter Resources
Voter Change of Address
If you have recently moved within your county and were previously registered, you only need to file a McLean County change of address form.
Contact your County Clerks office for additional assistance.
For Bloomington residents contact the City of Bloomington Board of Election Commissioners.
Voter Registration Assistance at Heartland
If you have any questions about votor registration, please stop by the office of one of these Heartland employees, and they can assist you:
- Library Staff
- Any staff member at the Library desk (SCB)
- ESL Programs
- Kerry Urquizo (SCB 1011)
- Instructional Staff
- Janet Beach-Davis (ICB 1006)
- Sarah Diel-Hunt (CCB 2006)
Watch for Special Events at which registration will take place.
Not sure if you are registered to vote? Check your voter status.
In accordance with Public Act 94-0492, each public institution of higher learning in Illinois must make a downloadable, printable voter registration form available on its website.