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Heartland Community College

Service-Learning & Civic Engagement


Find ways to learn about and respond to current issues and challenges. We promote civic and service-learning on our campus and beyond.

Earn College Credit with Service-Learning

SVL 101: Introduction to Service-Learning is a course that introduces students to service-learning through engagement in a defined service project within a community. Students will examine their own various identities as it relates to service (for example: identity as a student, a community member, a citizen); learn about the importance of service, and carry out a service project. At the conclusion of the project, students will critically reflect and respond to their experience. Because the experience(s) offered will change each semester, SVL 101 may be repeated up to 3 times with a different experience.

There are two ways to enroll:

  1. Browse the online schedule to find open enrollment courses.
  2. Contact your advisor or a faculty member to enroll in an independent study.

Voter Registration

You have a choice about where and how to register to vote. You may choose to register at either your campus address or at your permanent home address (if different).

Learn how to Register to Vote

All In: Most Engaged Campus for College Student Voting 2022

Service Opportunities

Learn more about Heartland's service opportunities through our Student Leaders in Community Engagement (SLiCE). SLiCE s a student-run organization designed to promote service-learning and community engagement opportunities to the student body at Heartland Community College.

Additional volunteer and service opportunities in the Bloomington-Normal area is maintained by Illinois State University’s Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning. Find the opportunity right for you or your club/organization.

Upcoming Civic Learning & Engagement Opportunities

Looking for more civic engagement opportunities? Check out our upcoming Civic Learning & Engagement events on Heartland's Get Involved platform.

You can find more local opportunities at Illinois State University's Center for Civic Engagement and Service Opportunities.


Voting Avenue Video

Voting Avenue

Yara Shahidi and Jimmy Fallon take a walk down Voting Avenue to get all of the information they need about voting.

Watch on YouTube