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Heartland Community College

Apply To Heartland

Choose one of Heartland's many destinations.

There is no application fee and it takes about 10 minutes to complete online.

What you'll need to know to submit your application:

  1. Your personal information, such as: Social Security Number, mailing address, phone number, etc.
  2. Which Program of Study you wish to enroll in.
  3. The semester you wish to begin taking courses. 

Apply to Heartland

Submit Admissions Documents

  • Proof of in-district residency is required for you to receive the in-district tuition rate unless you graduated from a high school located in Heartland's district within the past year. More details and information can be found on the Records Office webpage.

    How to submit your residency documentation:

    • Upload a file or photo of the document through an online form.
    • Bring your residency documentation in person to any Heartland campus. 
  • All new Heartland students need to submit any previous academic transcript(s), including a final high school transcript or GED certificate, and Official college transcript(s) if you have completed any previous coursework and earned credit. 

    Ways to submit your transcript:

    • In person or by mail
      Drop off your sealed, official transcript(s) to campus or have it mailed. 

      Heartland Community College Lincoln
      2201 Woodlawn Road
      Lincoln, IL 62656

    • Electronically
      Your transcript(s) can be sent directly from the previous institution to

      If sent by the student's personal email, the transcript will not be considered official. 

      NOTE: Official College transcripts can usually be sent through an official, outside vendor from the transfer institution to HCC. If you have questions about sending electronic transcripts, contact the Records Office at 309-268-8071.
  • Students may be waived from placement testing with previous test scores within the past three years.

    The most common test waivers are high school GPA, ACT/SAT scores, and GED exam scores. 

    NOTE: Several high schools include these scores on their transcript and will be valid scores to use for placement as long as the transcript is official. 

    Ways to submit your test scores: 

    • In person or by mail
      Drop off your score report to campus or have it mailed. 

      Heartland Community College Lincoln
      2201 Woodlawn Road
      Lincoln, IL 62656

    • Electronically
      Your test scores can be sent directly from the testing site to or

Hours of Operation

Spring 2025 Hours
Monday through Thursday:
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Testing Center Hours
Monday through Thursday:
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Contact Us

HCC Lincoln
2201 Woodlawn Rd.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-735-1731
Fax: 217-735-1352 

Jennifer Kirby

Director, HCC Lincoln 
Phone: 309-268-8971

Kelsi Edwards

Associate Director, HCC Lincoln
Advisor, HCC Lincoln
Phone: 309-268-8973

Karen Martinez

Coordinator, HCC Lincoln
Phone: 309-268-8974

Emilie Young

Assistant, HCC Lincoln
Phone: 309-268-8983