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Heartland Community College

Private Music Lessons

Would you like to learn play an instrument, sing, or develop skill on an instrument you already play? At Heartland, we offer private lessons in voice and piano. Our instructors are music professionals who work in the field and have at least a Master’s degree in Music. We provide lessons for individuals 16 and above, beginner through advanced levels. 

You earn college credit as a Music Major or a non-Music Major. Those not desiring credit can audit the course. Lessons are offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Please register at least one week before the semester starts.


Currently, we are only able to offer private music lessons in voice or piano.

Non-majors should take MUSI 196, 197, 198, 199 for 1 or 2 credit hours and can take up to four credits toward completion of the associate degree.

Fall Spring Summer
16 week course 30 min/week (1cr) 30 min/week (1cr) Unavailable
16 week course 60 min/week (2cr) 60 min/week (2cr) Unavailable
8 week course Unavailable Unavailable 60 min/week (1cr)
8 week course Unavailable Unavailable 120 min/week (2cr)

Music majors should take MUSI 200, 201, 202, 203, which meet for a full hour each week for a total of 8 credits of applied music instruction toward the associate’s degree. Music students are required to meet practice expectations set by their instructor and to both attend and perform at student recitals.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Emma Grant at 309-268-8635 or