Modularizing Courses
Welcome to Heartland’s brief video series on embedding leveled competencies within modularized courses. There are five videos in this series, featuring:
Dr. Rick Pearce, Vice President and Provost of Heartland Community College and Anne Brennan, Assistant Vice President, Academic Affairs of Oakton Community College, who provide an overview of “The Benefits of Modularization in the Context of Competency-Based Education.
“Guiding Factors in Modularizing,” with Dr. Johnna Darragh Ernst, Distinguished Professor and Project Director of Competency-Based Education Pathways at Heartland Community College, provides an overview of critical factors of consideration when modularizing courses by level.
“Creating Modularized Syllabi,” also with Dr. Johnna Darragh Ernst, highlights how competencies within modularized courses can be arranged into program plans, creating seamless pathways for learners.
“Modularizing Courses: Transfer Considerations” highlights factors to consider when transferring courses that have been modularized by level. This video features Cindy Alfano, Registrar at Heartland Community College.
“Nuts and Bolts: Modularizing” includes information on important Illinois Community College Board requirements to consider when modularizing courses. This video features Lisa Sleevar, Associate Director of Scheduling and Pathways at Heartland Community College.
An additional video showcases factors to consider when developing syllabi. Entitled “Designing Your Syllabus,” this video features Dr. Wayne Bass, Professor of Humanities and Religious Studies at Heartland Community College.