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Heartland Community College

Nursing Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements

68 credit hours.

Nursing Curriculum Sequence

Semester 1 - Fall

Semester 1 - Fall
Course Course Name Credit Hours
BIOL 181 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
NURS 112 Introduction to Nursing 1
NURS 113 Medication Principles for Nurses 2
NURS 117 Nursing Care Concepts: Fundamentals 8
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3

Semester 2 - Spring

Semester 2 - Spring
Course Course Name Credit Hours
BIOL 182 Anatomy & Physiology II 4
ENGL 101 Critical Reading and Writing 3
NURS 122 Community-Based Nursing 1
NURS 134 Nursing Care Concepts: Chronic Adult 4.5
NURS 135 Nursing Care Concepts: Family Health 4.5

Semester 3 - Fall

Semester 3 - Fall
Course Course Name Credit Hours
BIOL 191 Introductory Microbiology 4
ENGL 102 Multimodal Composition 3
NURS 232 Leadership & Management in Nursing 1
NURS 240 Nursing Care Concepts: Mental Health 4
NURS 241 Nursing Care Concepts: Acute I 4

Semester 4 - Spring

Semester 4 - Spring
Course Course Name Credit Hours
COMM 101 Introduction to Oral Communication 3
NURS 242 Contemporary Nursing 1
NURS 245 Nursing Care Concepts: Acute II 5
NURS 246 Nursing Care Concepts: Acute III 5
SOC 101 Sociology 3

This curriculum guide is not intended to be a contract, but rather to provide important information to students. Changes/revisions may occur from time to time to ensure curricula reflect technological advances in the field.

Information contained on this web site is subject to change. Please check with an academic advisor for current course offerings and program requirements. Current students with continual enrollment may graduate under the current program requirements or any program requirements in effect since first enrollment. Students who intend to graduate must meet with an academic advisor to complete an "application to graduate" form a full semester prior to graduation. This will help ensure that a student meets all graduation requirements. Remember to always check with the school you are interested in attending for specific requirements.

Nursing Department

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