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Heartland Community College

LPN to ADN Program Selective Admissions Information

Heartland Community College's LPN to ADN Program leads to an Associate Degree in Nursing and prepares individuals to take the NCLEX-RN exam for licensure to become a Registered Nurse. This advanced placement admission as an LPN option awards proficiency credit for first year nursing classes upon acceptance to the Associate Degree Nursing program and allows students to complete the second year classes in 2-3 semesters. LPN to ADN program enrollment is limited to seat availability. Admission to the Nursing Program is based on achievement of minimum academic criteria, residency, and the quality of the applicant's credentials in relation to those of other applicants.
  • Meet with an Academic Advisor

    Call or visit an academic advisor for assistance with course selection and the application process.

    Attend an Information Session

    Visit the Nursing department page for details about information sessions.

    Information sessions provide an overview of the Nursing Program admission process. Though attendance is not mandatory, these meetings provide an opportunity to ask questions of Admissions and Nursing Program staff and are intended to help make the application process as smooth as possible for prospective students.

    Review Other Program Requirements

    To discuss any questions or concerns, please email the Director of Nursing Education.

    • Criminal Background Check Policy (PDF) & Drug Screening Policy (PDF) 
    • Passing the NCLEX-RN is required for licensure and RN employment. The decision to allow an individual to take the examination for licensure or be granted a license after passing the examination rests with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Committee on Nursing. Applicants seeking licensure in the State of Illinois will need to review several licensure questions about their personal history, child support and/or student loans. If you answer "yes" to any of the licensure questions, you should contact the Director of Nursing Education at the link above.

    Review Program Cost

    The cost sheet (PDF) is a reference to provide information related to potential expenses incurred by the prospective student in the HCC Nursing Program. The totals may vary depending on previous completion of general education courses and costs associated with immunizations and tests. The fees associated with a criminal background check and drug screening are estimates and are paid directly to the company performing the checks/screens. The state license fee and NCLEX application and exam fees are for reference only and are not paid to Heartland Community College. If you elect to take the test and become licensed in a different state, you will be responsible for determining those fees. Travel fees are related to clinical education and vary depending on location (generally held to within 90 miles of HCC) and current fuel costs.

    Contact Financial Aid and HCC Foundation for information about assistance with program costs and scholarship opportunities.

    Review Nursing Curriculum

    General Education Courses

    ENGL 101, PSY 101, BIOL 181, BIOL 182 (or equivalent) must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher by the end of the fall term of the application cycle.

    The remaining general education courses (BIOL 191, SOC 101, ENGL 102, and COMM 101 (or equivalent)) must be completed with a "C" or better during the semester indicated in the Course Sequence for LPN Bridge to RN.

    Nursing Courses

    LPN students will be awarded proficiency credit for first year coursework when they are accepted to the ADN Nursing Program.

    LPN students will need to complete NURS 231, LPN to ADN Transition, and NURS 122, Community-Based Nursing.

    The LPN to ADN courses begin each summer.

    Summer Session

    Summer Session
    Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
    NURS 122 Community-Based Nursing 1
    NURS 231 LPN to ADN Transition 2
    Total 3

    Semester 1 - Fall

    Semester 1 - Fall
    Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
    BIOL 191 Introductory Microbiology 4
    ENGL 102 Composition II 3
    NURS 232 Leadership & Management in Nursing 1
    NURS 240 Nursing Care Concepts: Mental Health 4
    NURS 241 Nursing Care Concepts: Acute I 4
    Total 16

    Semester 2 - Spring

    Semester 2 - Spring
    Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
    COMM 101 Introduction to Oral Communication 3
    NURS 242 Contemporary Nursing 1
    NURS 245 Nursing Care Concepts: Acute II 5
    NURS 246 Nursing Care Concepts: Acute III 5
    SOC 101 Sociology 3
    Total 17

    Clinical Education Experiences

    Clinical experiences are completed off campus in various practice settings each semester. Hours vary each semester and can include evening and/or weekend hours.

    Due to the rigor of the nursing program, students are encouraged to keep work hours at a minimum to allow for adequate study time.

  • The College provides equal educational opportunities to all students and equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment. Management and supervisory personnel at all levels are responsible for taking reasonable and necessary actions to prevent discrimination. Discrimination is prohibited under Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Illinois Human Rights Act, and all other relatable laws, rules and regulations that apply to College operations.


    The Nursing Program at Heartland Community College is a selective admission program. Admission is based on achievement of minimum academic criteria and the quality of the applicant's credentials in relation to those of other applicants.

  • LPN License

    • Applicants must hold a current unencumbered LPN license in the State of Illinois and provide verification of 1000 hours worked as an LPN since February of the previous year.


    • Applicants will be required to show proof of residency as part of the application process.  For an approved list of documents, please see this link.
    • Out-of-district applicants will be considered for admission after all qualified and eligible in-district applicants have been offered admission.
    • Applicants with temporary visas will not be considered until all qualified and eligible in-district and out-of-district applicants have been offered admission.
    • Learn more about residency and District #540 boundaries.

    Please see our admission requirements sheet for an easily printable version of this information:

  • Step 1. Apply to Heartland Community College

    Step 2. Apply to the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Application only available October 1-March 1*

    *Applications may be reopened at a later date if seats remain available. 

    Step 3. Take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)

    The ATI TEAS is only offered online.

    Study materials may be purchased at the ATI website

    Students may retake the ATI TEAS one time through Heartland within the application period.  The highest grade within the application period will be used for evaluation.  TEAS scores are valid for two application cycles.

  • Qualified applicants will be placed in rank order based on the number of points received in the evaluation.

    Applicant Criteria
    Criteria Points Awarded Max Points
    GPA among BIOL 181, BIOL 182, PSY 101, ENGL 101, and any priority 2 courses. Minimum GPA of 2.5 required. GPA (on a 4 pt. scale) = points
    Example: 3.5 GPA = 3.500 points
    Required General Education Courses:
    -BIOL 191
    -ENGL 102
    -COMM 101
    -SOC 101
    "C" or better required
    .50 points per class with grade of "A" or "B"
    .25 points per class with grade of "C"
    ATI TEAS Score
    Minimum of Proficient (58.7%) required.

    ≥90.0% = 4 points
    ≥80.0% = 3 points
    ≥70.0% = 2 points
    ≥58.7% = 1 point

    College selective* science courses
    *Selective science courses include biology, chemistry and physics
    "C" or better required
    .50 points per selective* science course with grade of "A" or "B"
    .25 points per selective* science course with grade of "C"
    Prior Academic Achievement Bachelor degree or higher = 1 point
    Associate degree = .50 points

    Post-General Education Courses:
    -CHEM 120
    -HLTH 110, 120
    -MATH 141
    -PSY 209
    -SPAN 100
    Points only awarded if ALL four required general education courses are completed with a "C" or greater.
    Points will be awarded only for courses completed by March 15.

    .50 points per class with grade of "A" or "B"
    .25 points per class with grade of "C"

    Please see our admission recommendation sheet (PDF) for an easible printable version of this information.

    • The top-ranked applicants will be offered seats in the Nursing Program.
    • Applicants will be notified of their status regarding admission via their myHeartland email by April 15th.
    • If seats remain available after all applications are evaluated, HCC may reopen applications and applicants will continue to be evaluated until the program is full.
    • Applicants not accepted during an application cycle will need to submit a new application for the Nursing Program during a subsequent application cycle. Applications and waiting lists are not maintained from year to year.
    • Applicants who are offered a seat in the program must meet the following requirements before beginning nursing coursework:
      • Complete "in progress" required general education courses with a "C" or greater AND maintain a GPA of 2.5.
      • Attend Orientation
      • Submit to a criminal background check (PDF)  and drug testing (PDF) 
      • Fulfill all clinical education requirements. Health insurance coverage, CPR certification, and vaccination requirements must be met prior to and maintained throughout enrollment in the program.
      • Satisfy all financial obligations to the college

Nursing Department

Visit the Nursing Department