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Heartland Community College

Licensure Information

Legal Limitations

The following statements must be answered by applicants seeking licensure in the State of Illinois, as well as take the certification exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). If you answer "yes" to any of the questions, you may be required to go through a due process prior to issuance of a license. You also will be required to complete the pre-application process to determine your eligibility to take the certification exam.

  1. Have you been convicted of any criminal offense in any state or in federal court (other than parking or speeding violations)?
  2. Have you been convicted of a felony?
  3. If yes, have you completed the pre-application process through the ARRT and been found eligible to take the exam? Questions of eligibility can be reviewed in advance by calling the ARRT (651) 687-0048 or visiting the ARRT website.
  4. Have you had or do you now have any disease or condition that interferes with your ability to perform the essential functions of your profession, including any disease or condition generally regarded as chronic by the medical community i.e. (1) mental or emotional disease or condition; (2) alcohol or other substance abuse; (3) physical disease or condition, that presently interferes with your ability to practice your profession? If yes, attach a detailed statement, including an explanation whether or not you are currently under treatment.
  5. Have you been denied or had a license/certification revoked?
  6. Have you defaulted on an educational loan guaranteed by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission?

The above information should not deter you from applying for the radiography program. Please discuss any questions with the Program Assistant for the Radiography program for specific guidance.

The decision to allow an individual to take the A.R.R.T. examination for licensure rests solely with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists certifying board. Likewise, the decision to be granted an Illinois license after passing the examination rests solely with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.

Radiography Department

Visit the Radiography Department