Heartland Community College's Radiography program leads to an Associate of Applied Science degree in Radiography and prepares individuals to take the national certification exam to become a Registered Technologist in Radiography. This degree is a two-year accredited degree program including general education courses, Radiography technical courses, and practical clinical experience.
As a selective admission program, the Radiography program accepts up to 15 students per class. The decision for admission is based on achievement of minimum academic criteria, residency, and the quality of the applicant's credentials in relation to those of other applicants.
Advanced Placement / Transfer Students
Heartland Community College's Associate Degree of Radiography program does not accept students attempting to transfer from another Radiography program or seeking Advanced Placement in Radiography curricula to regain eligibility for ARRT certification and registry exam. These students must follow the application guidelines found in the Radiography admission packet and the degree requirements for ARRT. Applications will only be accepted during the open application period for the program that is published on the program's website. Any applications submitted outside of this time frame will not be accepted for consideration. All students, when admitted to the program, are required to follow policies and procedures as set forth by the program and college.
Equal Opportunity Statement
The College provides equal educational opportunities to all students and equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment. Management and supervisory personnel at all levels are responsible for taking reasonable and necessary actions to prevent discrimination. Discrimination is prohibited under Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Illinois Human Rights Act, and all other relatable laws, rules and regulations that apply to College operations.
The Radiography program handbook is available for viewing at this link.
Meet with an Academic Advisor
Call or visit an academic advisor for assistance with course selection and the application process.
Attend an Information Meeting
It is strongly recommended that anyone interested in applying for the Radiography program attend an informational meeting. Information meetings provide an overview of the Radiography program and the admission process. Though attendance is not mandatory, these meetings provide an opportunity to ask questions of Admissions and Radiography program staff and are intended to help make the application process as smooth as possible for prospective students. To register to attend an information meeting, click here. You can view our frequently asked questions for some additional information on the Radiography program.
Review Other Program Requirements
To discuss any questions or concerns, please email the Coordinator of Radiography.
- Non-Academic Criteria for Participation (PDF)
- Criminal Background Check Policy (PDF) and Drug Screening Policy (PDF)
Requirements for Licensure Examination - Legal Limitations
The following statements must be answered by applicants seeking licensure in the State of Illinois, as well as to take the certification exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). If you answer "yes" to any of the questions, you may be required to go through a due process prior to issuance of a license. You also will be required to complete the pre-application process to determine your eligibility to take the certification exam.
- Have you been convicted of any criminal offense in any state or in federal court (other than parking or speeding violations)?
- Have you been convicted of a felony?
- If yes to question one and/or question two, have you completed the pre-application process through the ARRT and been found eligible to take the exam? Questions of eligibility can be reviewed in advance by calling the ARRT at (651) 687-0048 or visiting their website.
- Have you had or do you now have any disease or condition that interferes with your ability to perform the essential functions of your profession, including any disease or condition generally regarded as chronic by the medical community, i.e. 1) mental or emotional disease or condition; 2) alcohol or other substance abuse; 3) physical disease or condition that presently interferes with your ability to practice your profession? If yes, please attach a detailed statement including an explanation whether or not you are currently under treatment.
- Have you been denied or had a license/certification revoked?
- Have you defaulted on an educational loan guaranteed by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission?
The above information should not deter you from applying for the Radiography program. Please discuss any questions with the Coordinator of Radiography for specific information.
Review Program Costs
The cost sheet (PDF) was designed to provide information related to potential expenses incurred by the prospective student in the HCC Radiography Program. The totals may vary depending on previous completion of general education courses, costs associated with immunizations and tests, if you have health insurance, and if your insurance covers the costs of health related testing and immunizations. The fees associated with a criminal background check and drug screening are estimates and are paid directly to the company performing the checks/screens. The ARRT exam fee and state license fee are for reference only and are not paid to Heartland Community College. If you elect to take the test and become licensed in a different state, you would be responsible for determining those fees. Travel fees are related to clinical education and vary dependent on location (generally held to within 90 miles of HCC) and current fuel costs.
Review Radiography Curriculum
General Education Courses
General education courses can be completed prior to admission. If general education courses are not completed prior to admission, they must be completed with a "C" or better during the semester indicated in the Curriculum Sequence.
Radiography Courses
The Radiography courses begin each summer for those applicants accepted into the program and can be completed in four semesters and two summer terms. These courses are offered only at the Normal Campus during the day and must be taken in order as outlined in the Curriculum Sequence. Due to the rigors of the program, students are encouraged to keep work hours at a minimum.
Click on this link for a sample of the Radiography student schedule (PDF).
All Radiography courses must be passed with 75% or better. Final exams are comprehensive, must be passed with 75% or better, and can only be taken one time.
Please click on this link to view the course grading scale (PDF) for the Radiography program.
Clinical Education Experiences
Clinical experiences are completed off campus in various practice settings each semester. Hours vary each semester and can include evening and/or weekend hours. Please see Clinical Education and Sites (PDF) for additional information on clinical education, clinical sites, and radiography health and safety information (PDF).
Basic Skills Assessment
- All first-time college students must take the full placement test unless they are using a waiver or previous college-level credit for placement. Waiver of placement page.
- Applicants whose scores are below the levels required for admission must successfully complete the courses needed to reach the college level before being deemed eligible for the program. These developmental courses are not counted in the cumulative grade point average.
Grade Point Average
- An overall grade point average of 2.5 (4 pt. scale) is required for consideration. A grade point average of 2.5 (4 pt. scale) is required on general courses (BIOL 181/182, HLTH 110, college-level math, and ENGL 101).
- Applicants with six or fewer hours of college credit must have a high school GPA of 2.5 (4.0 scale).
- Applicants who do not meet the minimum high school GPA must successfully complete at least seven semester hours of college-level work and achieve a 2.5 GPA (4 pt. scale).
- For applicants with seven or more hours of college credit, all college-level work will be included in the calculation of the GPA. Applicants with a GPA below 2.5 (4 pt. scale) will need to successfully complete additional college-level courses to raise their cumulative GPA.
Biological Science
- Applicants will be required to show proof of residency as part of the application process. For an approved list of documents, please see this link.
- Out-of-district applicants will be considered for admission after all qualified and eligible in-district applicants have been offered admission.
- Applicants with temporary visas will not be considered until all qualified and eligible in-district and out-of-district applicants have been offered admission.
- Learn more about residency and District #540 boundaries.
- All applicants must take the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) Version 7. The ATI TEAS Version 7 may be taken twice in an application period (September - January 15). Preparation material for the ATI TEAS Version 7 can be found on the TEAS website.
Step 1. Apply to Heartland Community College
Step 2. Apply to the Radiography Program. Application only available September 1-January 1**
- Application Dates
- Application open: September 1
- Application due: January 1
- Documentation due: January 15
- Submit the following required documentation:
- Radiography application PLEASE NOTE: Firefox is the suggested browser for completing the application document.
- Official copy of high school transcript or GED test scores (submit here).
- Official copies of all college transcripts (submit here).
- Use this link to upload your proof of residency.
** Applications may be reopened at a later date if seats remain available.
Step 3. Take the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Version 7
The ATI TEAS Version 7 is only offered online.
- To schedule a date through Heartland, please click on "Health Sciences" on the appointments page. Leave the search parameters blank to schedule a test date between September 1 and January 15. You will receive a confirmation email to your myHeartland account. A $70 test fee must be paid online by credit card at the time of testing. Carefully review all information on the TEAS website.
- For wider test availability, you may schedule a test date through ATI. There is an additional test fee for this option.
Study materials are available at the Heartland Library or may be purchased on the TEAS prep page.
Students may take the ATI TEAS Version 7 twice within an application cycle. The highest score of the two attempts will be used for evaluation. ATI TEAS Version 7 scores are valid for two application cycles.
Students seeking reentry to the program must meet the Readmission and Reentry Criteria as stated in the policy (PDF). Students will be allowed to reenter as space permits and by approval of the Radiography Admissions Team. The following materials must be submitted:
- Letter requesting reentry to the Radiography program (see Radiography Handbook)
- Official copies of transcripts for all college courses taken since previous enrollment
- Photocopy of driver's license or State of Illinois ID showing current legal address
Readmission of students who either fail or withdraw from a first semester RAD course(s) must be re-screened and re-ranked based on the current admission requirements to reenter the program. Students will submit a new student application following the process for application to the Radiography program.
- Application Dates
The Heartland Community College Associate Degree Radiography Program accepts up to 15 students per class. This number is based on the following:
- the number of clinical slots available for clinical internship which is determined by accreditation standards
- anticipated employment needs in the communities served
- space availability in program lab and theory sections
All qualified applicants will be ranked. Seats will be offered in rank order to qualified candidates to fill the class. This process will continue until all seats are filled, all qualified candidates have been exhausted, or the mandatory orientation date has occurred.
Evaluation/Ranking of Applicants
Please see our admission recommendation sheet for information on the evaluation and ranking of applicants. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Director of Admissions at (309) 268-8058 or
Applicants will be notified of their status regarding admission via their myHeartland email by March 15.
Applicants not accepted during an application cycle will receive an email explaining why their application could not be approved at this time. These applicants may reapply when admission requirements have been met.
Applicants accepted into the program must respond with an acceptance or declination by the date specified in the acceptance letter. Failure to respond will be considered a declination, and the seat will be offered to the next qualified applicant.
No early or late applications will be accepted. If seats remain open, applications may be reopened at a later date until all seats are filled or until the mandatory orientation date.
Applicants not accepted during an application cycle will need to submit a new application for the Radiography Program during a subsequent application cycle. Applications and waiting lists are not maintained from year to year.
Applicants who wish to appeal their status must submit a letter explaining any extenuating circumstances to by January 15 to be considered for entry into the Radiography Program in the Summer. Only one appeal per applicant is allowed.
Applicants who are offered a seat in the program must meet the following requirements prior to official acceptance into the program:
- Complete currently enrolled required general education courses with a "C" or greater AND maintain a GPA of 2.5.
- Attend the mandatory orientation meeting.
- Submit to a criminal background check (PDF) and drug testing (PDF).
- Fulfill all clinical education requirements.
- Satisfy all financial obligations to the college. Students who have financial obligations to the college will not be allowed to enroll in classes. If a student is not enrolled by the mandatory orientation date, his/her seat will be offered to the next qualified applicant.
- NOTE: All students in the Radiography Program are required to carry personal health insurance. Students are responsible for the costs of these insurance premiums and policies.