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Heartland Community College

Risk Reduction

Awareness & Training

Throughout the year numerous educational programs will be offered to prevent and promote awareness of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.  Some of the topics will include bystander intervention, risk reduction strategies, consent, and developing healthy relationships.  You can find more information about these events and others on the student calendar:   

Help a Friend

If a friend is in danger, learn how you can help.

Learn how to help

Risk Reduction Tips: Protection & Prevention

The goals of these risk reduction strategies are to raise awareness and provide tools for protection and prevention.  Protection involves mitigating the risk of becoming a victim of sexual violence.  Prevention involves owning your own decisions as the initiator of sexual behavior.  Remember, the only people who can prevent sexual violence are those who perpetrate it, never the victim of sexual violence.

  • Consent is mandatory, not a suggestion. You must get freely given permission for every act, every time.
  • Clearly communicate your intentions and give the other person a chance to clearly communicate their intentions to you.
  • If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe about a person or situation, remove yourself as soon as possible.
  • Listen carefully. Take time to hear what the other person has to say. If you feel you are receiving unclear or conflicting messages from the other person, stop and defuse any sexual tension then discuss your intentions.
  • If you do not want to engage in a particular activity, tell the other person “No” clearly and firmly.
  • Realize that your potential partner could be intimidated by you. You may have a power advantage simply because of your gender, status or size. Don’t abuse that power.
  • Watch out for your friends and ask that they watch out for you.
  • Give thought to sharing your intimate content, pictures, images and videos with others, even those you may trust. If you do choose to share, clarify your expectations as to how or if those images may be used, shared or disseminated.
  • If someone shares intimate content, pictures, images and videos with you, respect their trust and do not abuse it.