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Heartland Community College

Heartland Course Testing

If you need to take a make-up exam or retest for your HCC course that has an in-person component, you must have an appointment. You can schedule online up to 7 days in advance by clicking on the button below. If you are hoping to schedule more than 7 days in advance, please reach out to Testing for assistance. If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please do so online as duplicate appointments will be cancelled. You should work with your instructor to ensure that the exam is available during the Testing Center's hours and by the instructor's deadline.

Course Testing Appointments

Schedule Main Campus Course Exam

Schedule Pontiac Campus Course Exam

Schedule Lincoln Campus Course Exam


Should you encounter any issues when scheduling online, please contact the Testing Center either by phone or email. The following information is required: 

  1. Full Name
  2. HCC ID Number
  3. Date & Time you want to test
  4. Course Title

Call to schedule [Normal Campus]: (309) 268-8077

Email to schedule [Normal Campus]:

**please note that scheduling online (via the links above) is most efficient**

Drop-In Course Testing

Drop-in hours will be Monday through Thursday, 2:00-4:00pm. No appointments are required between those times. If you wish to test outside of those times, an appointment must be scheduled. 

*Please note that these hours are for the main campus in Normal, IL. 

Find hours for the Lincoln or Pontiac campus locations in the "About" section under "Hours", listed on the left-hand side menu, or under their campus webpages. 

The following guidelines have been established

  • An appointment is required unless you are completing an exam during the drop-ins
  • All students must adhere to Heartland's Standards of Care
  • A Photo ID is required for all testing
  • Please arrive to the Testing Center knowing your course number, instructor's name and your student ID number for check-in
  • In order to take your exam, your name must be listed on your instructor's request form
  • We will not administer exams after the instructor-specified deadline
  • Book bags and other belongings must be stored in a provided locker
  • Cell phones, smart watches and all other non-medical electronic devices must be silenced and stored in a provided locker
  • Unaccompanied Minors: Children are not allowed in the testing room. Minors in the Testing Center must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Arrangements can be made for childcare by completing the Night Hawk Form.
  • Only clear water bottles are allowed in the testing room after they are checked by staff
  • Academic integrity and compliance with the student code of conduct are expected of all students while in the Testing Center. Suspected violations will be reported to the appropriate Director
  • Exams must be started within one hour of closing
  • All exams are collected at closing

Remote Testing

Can't make it to campus to test for your online or hybrid course? Find a testing center in your area to arrange a remote test, and have the exam returned to your instructor. Please note that various proctoring fees and scheduling requirements may apply.

Special Accommodations

Alternative testing is an appropriate service for many students with special needs. Testing accommodations for students with documented disabilities must be arranged by the student through the Student Access and Accommodation Services (SAAS) office. For more information on what documentation is required, contact Student Access and Accommodation Services at 309-268-8259. 

Students requiring extended time only for testing needs may complete exams during regular Testing Center hours. To test with a separate area, assistive technology, or other accommodations, please schedule an appointment with Student Access and Accommodation Services at least 48 hours in advance. 

Contact the Testing Center

WDC 2600
Heartland Community College
1508 Vermillion Way
Normal, IL 61761
Phone: 309-268-8077

HCC Lincoln

Phone: 217-735-1731

HCC Pontiac

Phone: 815-842-6777